Magnify U.S. Dashboard
Consumer insights and performance metrics collected and analyzed from the smartphones of opted-in panelists across the U.S. (covering 98% of the U.S. population). This sample dashboard is interactive — click on various elements to dig deeper into the key metrics.
Usage and publication rights to content from our Magnify Dashboard are granted under a Creative Commons (CC) license. In compliance with the CC guidelines this license grants users the following rights: Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License. Accordingly, users of the Magnify dashboard are granted a worldwide, royalty-free, non-sublicensable license to use and publish the data provided on this page, including for commercial purposes. Licensees are obligated to identify Global Wireless Solutions, Inc (GWS, Inc.) as the author of all licensed material and are permitted to use only an unaltered (i.e. unmodified) version of the original design. Again, any use of the content on this page must contain attribution to Global Wireless Solutions, Inc (Ex: Data provided courtesy of GWS, Inc.).
Magnify Dashboard – Providing a look at real app engagement and user behavior
This dashboard represents only a portion of the consumer behavior data points and app analytics that can be provided (our panelists generate over 50 million data points daily). Here are some interesting data points you can take away from the dashboard:
Minutes per day that men vs. women spend on Instagram, Tinder, Tik Tok and other social media platforms
Understanding the top apps used for sending money to friends and families — for example, Cash App, Venmo, Paypal, or Google Pay
Analyzing commerce trends; look at consumer habits and where they shop the most — is it Amazon, eBay or Walmart
Who is streaming music, for how long, and what are the most popular streaming apps — Spotify, Pandora, or Amazon Prime
How many sessions per day are Gen Xers vs. Millennials playing real-time games and which game apps are trending — ROBLOX, Coin Master, Pokémon Go, Call of Duty or Township
Which age group spends more time on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime
Want to know more?
For example:
Which trading platform — Robinhood, Webull, TDAmeritrade, etc. — has the highest order flow per session?
How Squid Games impacted the usage of other streaming apps?
What time of day is Snapchat most popular?
Magnify also allows you to query by geographical region as well as capture other key KPIs, metrics, and demographics. You can also analyze how app usage trends over time by accessing our historical database and real time data.
Contact GWS Today
Interested in understanding how consumers are living their lives in terms of app usage, purchasing and streaming habits, and other engagement behavior? We’ve got the answers.
We’ve got real, actionable data that can:
- help content providers, business strategists, and others understand their customers and market behavior;
- give C-level management high-quality tools to make informed investment decisions; and
- give companies a competitive edge and the ability to provide products and services that have value and are in demand.
For a full demonstration of Magnify using our business intelligence and data visualization tools, please tap the “Contact Us” button.