Magnify Predicts Revenue In Advance of Quarterly Earnings

  • Starbucks is an example of how data from active users (not just install base) in our Magnify aligns with company revenue and loyalty memberships.

  • Note: There is a 95% correlation between active app users in our consumer panel and Starbucks quarterly revenue.

Contact us for similar insights on other companies like Hulu, Spotify, Starbucks, DoorDash and more.

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Magnify Insights


Measure key app performance metrics across networks that deliver consumer services


Monitor usage statistics and characteristics of services /apps – including volume of users, frequency of use, time spent on services, daily, weekly, monthly etc. by geography


Gain competitive insights versus key competitors across performance and usage variables; determine a realistic understanding of market share


Understand user satisfaction, willingness to recommend, reasons for using your service or for switching to your competitor’s service

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