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Couch or Theater?
Where do you want watch
a new movie?

Movie theaters are open — want to go? Our survey of 35,000 U.S. adults says not really! 40% would rather stay home and stream a new movie while only 17% prefer to go a theater; and for 33% it depends on the movie. GenZer’s are slightly more eager to go to a theater; 24% say they would rather go to a theater while 28% say it depends on the movie.

Sign of the time? Seems so. 42% of Americans surveyed feel that the pandemic has changed their desire to watch movies in a theater. How will streaming service providers react to take advantage of the changing landscape? Magnify can help answer this question.

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Magnify Consumer Panel


Measure coverage, speed, video and gaming performance across networks that delivery key consumer services


Monitor usage statistics and characteristics of services /apps – including volume of users, frequency of use, time spent on services, daily, weekly, monthly etc. by geography


Gain competitive insights versus key competitors across performance and usage variables; determine a realistic understanding of market share


Understand user satisfaction, willingness to recommend, reasons for using your service or for switching to your competitor’s service

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